Social responsibility - Arnbjerg Pavillonen

Social responsibility

At Arnbjerg, we focus on social responsibility through our actions. This applies not only to our employees, but also to our local area, our customers and partners, and not least our environment. For us, Hotel Arnbjerg is not just about ourselves and our own financial gain, but about something much bigger. For us at Arnbjerg, our social responsibility is about, among other things, the difference we can make to our society through our conscious choices and actions. It’s about people. That’s why we work consciously with Code of Care, creating more good apprenticeships and, not least, our responsibility for a good and well-functioning local community with a focus on people and the environment.

Code of Care

When we at Hotel Arnbjerg think about responsibility, it is at least as much about social responsibility as it is about our responsibility to the climate and the environment. For us, responsibility is also very much about people, which is why it makes so much sense to be an active part of the Code of Care.

Code of Care is a nonprofit organization that puts people first through engagement with the labor market. It is an organization that works every day to include people with either physical, mental or social challenges in the labor market. The organization works on the thesis that everyone has value – and we like that mindset at Arnbjerg.

Specifically for us at Arnbjerg, this has meant…

If we have a concrete example, storytelling

With the Code of Care, we create together – for people, businesses and society.

– More care, less me

Focus on wellbeing and education

For us at Arnbjerg, sustainability is far from just about ecology and waste sorting. It’s as much about ensuring workplaces with a focus on health and well-being as it is about diversity, recruitment, development and retention. That’s why one of our key focus areas is our apprenticeships.

Denmark will have a shortage of skilled workers in the near future. We have an obligation as a company and as people to ensure that young people get an education and find a way into the labor market. Many young people are struggling today, and by helping to educate them, we can make a difference for the individual. Our working life today is part of our identity and we believe that doing something, accomplishing something and using yourself provides a sense of fulfillment. Plus, it’s just amazing to help shape the chefs and waiters of the future. Constantly being challenged by young people and what they learn in school versus the real world keeps us sharp in our craft and professionalism. And for Annemette and I, there’s also the whole human aspect of it. In our daily lives, we are met by different young people, where there must be room for the individual and inclusiveness by virtue of the culture we create at Arnbjerg. It’s important for us to make a difference for the individual, and we can feel that we do.

At Arnbjerg, we currently have 6 trainees, divided into chef trainees and waiter trainees. We are the workplace with the most apprenticeships in Varde Municipality, and we are proud of that.

“Arnbjerg is a fantastic place to be a chef trainee. I experience so much goodwill, interest and commitment to me as a person and a student, and I learn every day how I can become a better person and live more sustainably with a focus on food waste, etc.”

Lucas, trainee chef Arnbjerg

“At Arnbjerg, there is room for the individual. I don’t have to be someone else. I can just be myself, and I have 100% found my place here.”
Mikkel, waiter trainee Arnbjerg

En sort/hvid billede af en ung fyr med et forklæde på som står og holder en fisk i halen i et køkken.
Brune og hvide køer på en græsmark.

Our local focus

At Arnbjerg, we know that sustainability is complex, and there are many parameters and factors that play a role in whether something is better for the climate than something else. At Arnbjerg, we have a vision to minimize our carbon footprint. That’s why we’ve embarked on a journey towards a more sustainable way of running hotels and restaurants. A journey that constantly makes us wiser about our actions and choices – also when it comes to our raw materials. CO2 emissions are not just about transportation, but just as much about the production and consumption of food.

One of the most fundamental things for us is our local focus. We live right in the middle of Denmark’s largest and most wonderful garden, so it’s natural for us to source the majority of our ingredients from our local suppliers. We collaborate with Enghavegård, Varde Ådal lam and Kathrinelund, among others. In addition, we have a local collector who finds various ingredients in nature such as rose hips, sea buckthorn, seaweed, mushrooms, etc. Finally, we grow and produce some of our ingredients ourselves as far as possible, and we pickle a lot in the summer to be able to serve local ingredients in the winter as well.

For us, it’s all about giving you as a guest a local, tasty meal made from fresh local ingredients, while minimizing our impact on the climate. That’s why we focus on using locally grown ingredients that are in season. We focus on organically produced and naturally grown ingredients. For us, it’s common sense, and we’d rather serve a Danish-grown tomato than a Spanish one.